contactCreateData.js 代码语言:javascript 复制 import{LightningElement,api,track}from'lwc';import{ShowToastEvent}from'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';exportdefaultclassContactCreateDataextendsLightningElement{@api recordId;@track contactId;@track objectApiName='Contact';@track tittle;connectedCallback(){this...
Capture a frame from the video using canvas and upload the base64-encoded frame to the server to detect and crop the document image. If the operation is successful, update the URL field for the record. import{ShowToastEvent}from"lightning/platformShowToastEvent";import{getRecord,getFieldValue,up...
Create a Linode account to try this guide. Sign Up Public key authentication with SSH (Secure Shell) is a method in which you generate and store on your computer a pair of cryptographic keys and then configure your server to recognize and accept your keys. Password authentication is the defau...
How to Access www louisianaworks net Hire Login? To log in to LouisianaWorks. net Hire users should first create an account on the website. After setting up their account they can navigate to the login page by clicking on the “Hire” button located on the homepage. From there they can...
To demonstrate these two approaches, we will create components which will allow us to open Account Record from Contact View in a subtab. Implementation Solution #1 For this solution we will first need a LWC and then Lightning Component which will perform the opening of a record in a new ...
Within VS Code, a new LWC can be created using the SFDX: Create Lightning Web Component option. I used the namecalorieCounter. First, I wanted to make sure that my new component could be used pretty much anywhere in the Salesforce ecosystem. I updatedcalorieCounter.js-meta.xmlas shown be...
Create a new lightning web component. In the HTML, add a button to start the merging, a container for the HTML5 page and an anchor to store the PDF dataURL. <template> <lightning-card title="Dynamsoft Document Viewer" icon-name="custom:custom14"> <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> ...
Incolumn 1 "WinAPI 1"is a function that tries to use _WinAPI_GetBkColor(). This is the crucial function for this thread. But it does not work for the button or the label. Incolumn 2 "WinAPI 2"is the same function, but with a _SendMessage() function. With this it wor...
here Iam confused that do I need to create a war file copy .war file (or) files like WEB-INF/web.xml,jsp,Action classes... 5) Build the project using Ant. now I have CRM server,no idea from where I need to get EAR file , and how to deploy it to the CRM server. I dont kn...
ClickSave private key. Choose a filename and location in Explorer while keeping theppkfile extension. If you plan to create multiple key pairs for different servers, be sure to give them different names so that you don’t overwrite old keys with new: ...