Step1 Create a simple CDS view to hold status code and status description Step2 link the status field to the CDS view created in previous step Step3 create necessary
On the other hand, to create a DDL source like creating a CDS view, SAP HANA Studio is the required IDE for developers. After SAP HANA Studio started, you can connect to target SAP system where you want to create the CDS view. Add the ABAP Package into the Project Explorer window of ...
在CDS的WHERE 使用了两种方法读取传入数据,使用中可以对照 ABAP @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_CDS_PARAMS' @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true @AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK @EndUserText.label: 'CDS PARAMS' define view Z_SQL_PARAMS with parameters p_LAN...
2.ABAP CDS view. Purchase order header and item tables will be used as data source for our simple report. First, create a DDL source in ABAP Development Tools for defining an ABAP CDS. Run Eclipse, switch on ABAP perspective and create new ABAP project on yo...
4.A new CDS view editor opens up like below. 5.Here we are going to retrieve the data from the table SNWD_PD using ABAP CDS View.Look at the DDL source we need to replace few values Replacedata_source_namewith table name “SNWD_PD” from which you want to get the data. ...
How to Create Your Own CDsThe introduction of the compact disc, through a joint venture between Sony and Philips in the...Branzburg, JeffreyTechnology & Learning
When it comes time to create an OData project, there are a few things you’ll need to do. First, however, make sure you’ve created all the required core data services (CDS) views. Assuming you’ve done that, here’s how to create anODataservice, as well as exposingCDS viewsas a...
Understanding the risks of opening a CD account While CDs can be a relatively safe way to grow your savings, there are some risks when you open a CD account. Liquidity risk—the risk that you’ll need the money when it’s locked up in a CD—is an important one. ...
In this blog, we will learn how to create a user manual easily, discuss its benefits, explore some examples, and discuss how thebest user manual toolscan help. What is a User Manual? <noscript><iframe title="What Is a User Manual and How to Create a User Manual" width="1120" height...
In case you want to create a backup for your exclusive data, then you can download software over the internet, which will help you to burn CDs within a tiny time frame. One of the best attributes of this software is that they have excellent UX and UI features. This article will guide ...