So far we have a working CDS view ready for us to create a UI5 application on top of it via Smart Template in WebIDE within just a couple of minutes. Once done, the UI5 application will display the data from our CDS view like below. For step by step how to achieve this, please ...
So far we have a working CDS view ready for us to create a UI5 application on top of it via Smart Template in WebIDE within just a couple of minutes. Once done, the UI5 application will display the data from our CDS view like below. For step by step how to achieve this, please ...
S4/HANA里有一个新的UI框架叫做Smart template, 配合ABAP后台的CDS view技术,能够让developer以Metadata driven的方式来开发Fiori应用, 这种开发方式几乎不需要或者只需要很少量的JavaScript开发。 下面是我写在SCN上的相关13篇blog的链接: 1. Step by Step to create CDS view through SmartTemplate + WebIDE: http...
You have already created ABAP CDS View. 在开发ABAP程序时,可以使用 Eclipse ,也可以使用HANA STUDIO,我在操作时,使用的是HANA STUDIO,据说, Eclipse 的SAP扩展插件,以后SAP公司不要进行升级更新了,所以建议大家还是使用HANA STUDIO,进行例子中的CDS,及ABAP程序开发。 例子中需要使用到,前面创建的CDS,如你不知如...
So far we have a working CDS view ready for us to create a UI5 application on top of it via Smart Template in WebIDE within just a couple of minutes. Once done, the UI5 application will display the data from our CDS view like below. For step by step how to achieve this, please ...
The following steps explain step by step configuration: Create a CDS view and fetch the quantity data from the DB table. In that CDS view make an association on SAP standard CDS view I_MATERIAL (CDS view for MARA table) to get the material base unit of measure. Two times Association or...
一.File 菜单 在 File 菜单下,主要的菜单项有 New,Open,Exit 等.在具体解释之前我们不妨先理 顺一下以下几个关系.library(库)的地位相当于文件夹,它用来存放一整个设计的所有数据, 像一些子单元(cell)以及子单元(cell)中的多种视图(view).Cell(单元)可以是一个简 单的单元,像一个与非门,也可以是比较复杂...
2.In theNew ABAP Repository Objectwindow, search for DDL source object by typing in search field.Select theDDL Sourceand hitNext. 3.In theNew DDL Sourcewindow, enter Name and Description of the CDS View and hitFinish. 4.A new CDS view editor opens up like below. ...
Please note that the created table function in step1 could be directly consumed just as a normal CDS view, see example in line 8. Since the table function declares client as parameter, so when consumed, I put the current client id 001 into it. The fields defined as the returning parameter...
建立单元文件(cell):在Library Name 中选择存放新文件的库,在Cell Name中输入名称,然后在Tool选项中选择Composer-Schematic工具(进行SPICE模拟),在View Name中就会自动填上相应的View Name——schematic。当然在Tool工具中还有很多别的工具,常用的象Composer-symbol、virtuoso-layout等,分别建立的是symbol、layout的视图(...