How To Build A Pokémon TCG Deck When you start, you need to choose a ‘type’ for your deck. There are lots to choose from, and not every type from the videogames is represented in the Pokémon TCG. For example, Bug-type Pokémon tend to fall under the Grass-type in the TCG, whi...
Pokémon on the Bench, so a good strategy for building a deck around this is to include more Pokémon than usual to make sure you can deal as much damage as possible. A Pokémon like Zapdos ex is a good support for Pikachu ex because it’s a Basic Pokémon, making it easy to get in...
Get tips on how to construct winning Pokémon TCG decks from a variety of starting points.With so many interesting Pokémon to choose from and exciting strategies to explore, building your own deck is one of the most enjoyable and rewarding elements of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Before ...
How To Create A Custom Deck In The Pokémon TCG EveryPokémonTCGdeck must have at least 60 Pokémon cards in order to be playable. While there is no hard rule for how a player should build their deck, trainers should generally have at least fourteen to eighteen Pokémon in their deck, and...
So long as your goal is not to create a deck revolving solely around single-Prize Pokemon, Iron Crown ex can be a significant addition toany Future deck. As a result, for many variants, it is consideredessential. This is because of Iron Crown ex’sCobalt Command Ability. This unique Abil...
to make the Gyarados ex deck work as intended inPokemon TCG Pocket. While the essential Pokemon in this deck are all from the new Mythical Island expansion, a lot of the Trainer cards are from Genetic Apex, the firstPTCGPexpansion, so keep that in mind when putting tog...
How to make a good deck in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket Once you've unlocked the ability to battle other players online in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, you'll first need to create your own deck using all the cards you've acquired through Booster Packs. The only issue here is...
with the Houndoom ex Battle Deck. In thePokemon TCG, pre-made decks such as the Houndoom ex Battle Deck provide an accessible way of experiencing and experimenting with new decks. They can be fit for beginners and seasoned players alike, helping to create innovative ways to enjoy the game....
How to make a good deck in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket Once you've unlocked the ability to battle other players online in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, you'll first need to create your own deck using all the cards you've acquired through Booster Packs. The only issue here is ...
This could use a good update. I'm still working on it, but its been going pretty slowly. I'll post up the first 26 TMs for feedback. TM Trends: This section goes over the general trends in TMs, type by type, including relevant features and exceptions. Pokemon that are unable...