How To Build A Pokémon TCG Deck When you start, you need to choose a ‘type’ for your deck. There are lots to choose from, and not every type from the videogames is represented in the Pokémon TCG. For example, Bug-type Pokémon tend to fall under the Grass-type in the TCG, whi...
Panzer Dragoon was a North American launch title for the Sega Saturn. Despite hearing good things, I’d never played it until recently when I saw the remake on sale as a downloadable title on Switch. It’s a rail shooter, meaning that the game follows a particular route while you can ...
I don't know if I have anything else to say... ummm, I play in a competitive men's amateur tackle football league, I love love love video game music, I'm a huge fan of Aerosmith, I'm a bit of an introvert but try my darndest to get out there in the world and make my prese...
I started out using a deck based around Lucario boosting the attack of other Fighting-Type Pokemon, but I quickly got bored. Now I'm trying to get Darkrai ex and Weezing working for me. The idea is that I chip away at my opponent's Pokemon while keeping my own topped ...
I did the same thing with Xenagos. This time, I tried to combine my deck with one of the pre-constructed Intro Packs to try and make a stronger deck. I made the same mistakes. I added cards I thought were good, which weren’t, and I had too many things going on in the deck. ...
typing, this core also being somewhat effective as Toxtricity can break through a majority of Zeraora's defensive checks. You are free to choose the typing you wish to build around and the Pokemon you opt to use to fulfill it. I'd recommend deciding on the core before you start buildi...