A week or so ago I published this GitHub Pages site: https://grahamhannington.github.io/bigas/?text=Your/text/here using the root folder of the main branch of this personal repo: https://github.com/GrahamHannington/bigas That worked. Earlier today, I pushed a commit to the main branch....
Using GitHub Pages, you can create a website by simply publishing static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files from GitHub’s repository. Among the many benefits of the GitHub web hosting service, a few of the main ones are how simple and easy it is to use. With all that in mind, let’s...
Easy guide on how to build your own website from scratch with Free Website Builder. The Total Beginner's Guide
Open ~/.config/oomox/colors on your computer and pick the theme which you are going to upload. Open colors directory on Themix GitHub: https://github.com/themix-project/oomox/tree/master/colors Choose appropriate subdirectory for your theme. If you're not sure use Contributed one. Create ...
I've searched a lot on the internet but almost every of them are about "how to use subdomain names with gitpage and custom domain", but I want to know how to create the subdomain names with default gitpage domain name like example.github.io and not with the cus...
Create a new website (or, if you already have created the website you want to use with Gitlab in Publii, open that instead) and click on theServersection in the sidebar menu to open the server settings page: Enter the domain name for your Gitlab Pages repository. The domain is generat...
Step by Step Guide to Hosting a Portfolio Using GitHub Pages Step 1: Create a GitHub Account To get started, you’ll need a GitHub account. If you already have one, you can skip this step. If not, follow these instructions: VisitGitHuband sign up using your email ...
A database lets users interact and input data to a dynamic site. For example, they can use forms to create an account, purchase a product, or comment on a post.Meanwhile, static sites can’t take user input and have limited interactivity. However, they may still have animations and ...
Having a professional website is very important for businesses these days because it not only help the company to connect with potential clients but also help to showcase its products. So if you want to know how to make your own website for free, you have two options. Either to hire a...
Step 1: Create your free GitHub account In order to be able to host your website on GitHub Pages your need a free GitHub account which can be created at https://github.com/ The account is needed to be able to create your first GitHub repository in the next step. The repository is ...