如果您创建的是用户或组织站点,仓库名称必须为<user>.github.io或<organization>.github.io。 更多信息请参阅“关于 GitHub Pages”。 选择仓库可见性。 更多信息请参阅“关于仓库可见性”。 选择Initialize this repository with a README(使用自述文件初始化此仓库)。 单击Create repository(创建仓库)。 创建站点 ...
Warning: If your site administrator has enabled Public Pages, Páginas de GitHub sites are publicly available on the internet, even if the repository for the site is private. If you have sensitive data in your site's repository, you may want to remove it before publishing. For mor...
For a little background on why I chose GitHub and GitHub Pages for my personal website (and other projects), see this note.Other Resources You Should KnowIn order to make GitHub Pages accessible to a wider audience, this guide focuses on using the web interface on github.com to build ...
A platform game website created for a university assessment. Built usingHTML,CSS, andJavaScript, and powered by thePhaser.jsgame engine. Features Main Page: Introductory screen with navigation. Leaderboard Page: Displays player scores. Game Page: Hosts the platform game built in Phaser.js. ...
The framework comes with many features which can help in making your website or web application up and running in no time. Supported PHP Versions Build Status Key Features Provide minimum utilities to setup a small/medium web application. Theming and the ability to create multiple UIs for the...
On theStackspage in the CloudFormation console, select the root stack (the stack without the name VPCStack, BastionStack or AMSNS). ChooseDelete. SelectDelete stackwhen prompted for confirmation. For more information about deleting a stack in CloudFormation, seeDeleting a stack on the AWS C...
As Site Owners or developers, we frequently have the privilege of modern equipment, fast connections, and wide-screen monitors. Ask yourself - will your users be accessing this View in mobile device with a small screen? In a low-bandwidth or disconnected area? On an underpowered netbook that'...
ACF Example Field Type template on Github Please download or clone the ACF Example Field Type repository. Alternatively, you can click the green “Use this template” button to create a new repository based on this template. https://github.com/AdvancedCustomFields/acf-example-field-type ...
Deploying a sample Amazon ECS application using the AWS Copilot CLI Additional documentation for the AWS Copilot CLI is available on theAWS Copilot website Related resources Amazon ECS API Reference AWS CLI commands for Amazon ECS Did this page help you?
ACF Example Field Type template on Github Please download or clone the ACF Example Field Type repository. Alternatively, you can click the green “Use this template” button to create a new repository based on this template. https://github.com/AdvancedCustomFields/acf-example-field-type ...