Stress is normal, it is the body's physiological reaction to any change, not necessarily negative. Anxiety (as well as anger, sadness, or irritation) is the emotional, mental side of stress - and it is also normal. With the coronavirus, three anxiety triggers are activated at once: uncert...
Focus on self-care.A natural disaster can deplete you physically as well as emotionally. It is very important that you make time to care for yourself. Self-care is integral to emotional and physical health. Caring for your body, mind, and spirit can increase your ability to cope with traum...
We’re not the only animals that suffer anxiety. From lizards to song sparrows, challenging situations can have long-lasting impacts on species.
Acute stress: This is stress that comes on abruptly and resolves once the perceived or actual threat is resolved. Acute stress can occur when faced with a traumatic situation but can also be something that gradually builds over time and suddenly comes to a head. Chronic stress: This is stress...
Some people cope with stressful events more easily than others; consider the impact such events might have on people with mental illnesses. Mental Health Conditions Affected by Triggers Though commonly used to refer to the experiences of people withpost-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD), the term "...
“Stress-related disorders result from abnormal responses to acute or prolonged anxiety, and can include obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Mental health tends to be a low research priority in public health and whose impacts on human and societal well being are often ...
If you find that certain things are triggering for you, it’s not that you’re being too sensitive. The effects of these kinds of trauma are very real, and you’re not alone in experiencing them. It’s difficult to witness or experience traumatic events once; imagine if it’s happening...
Racial trauma, or race-based traumatic stress, refers to “any kind of a mental or emotional injury that can be caused by encounters with racial bias, ethnic discrimination, racism and hate crimes,” Wizdom Powell, director of the University of Connecticut’s Health Disparities Institute, tellsCN...
In the diagnostic process, it can also be important to distinguishbetween an adjustment disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Both involve a stressful event leading to emotional and behavioral symptoms. However, with PTSD, the stressful past experiences were typically a life-threatening...
Those who don’t find healthy ways to cope with stress may also see an impact on mental health—prolonged stress can lead to depression and anxiety. 9 healthy ways to deal with stress Knowing how to use stress to your advantage is a skill that entrepreneurs can hone over time. You can...