It is no accident, then, that the first round of truly adult separation (not teenage rebellion) begins to rear its head somewhere around 30 for women and the menopause years for their mothers. For the first time, the veil begins to lift and we see each other for the women we have beco...
Everybody handles the loss of a romantic relationship differently. Some people get over it relatively soon, while others go back and forth through a number of stages before they begin to feel better. Since each person is different, there is no one best way to cope with the loss of a rela...
Many children who struggle with sleep are anxious about separating from their parents, or are rigid about behaviors around sleep. Before the pandemic, up to 10% of children suffered from anxiety; now the prevalence may be as high as in 20% of children. True story, both my children have su...
Focusing on “what’s in it for me” is a death knell for true love. Yet, as mothers, we sometimes forget that in our relating to our adult children. When we can view them with some detachment, when our reactions to them are no longer based on expectations or being dependent on them...
Nevertheless, the goal is for your child to be as autonomous as possible. And you have to be especially careful not to over-function if your child has a disability. Many parents of kids with disabilities will over-function as a way to manage their own anxieties. And kids with disabi...
You also need to be aware that leaving people behind is not the only source of guilt for expats (sorry!) There’s also anxiety about the effect the move will have on those who are going with you,particularly children. You’ll feel guilty when theystruggle to settle in to their new home...
Separation and Divorce complicate spending and expenditure. If you have children together with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, those complications exponentially increase. There is a lot of dispute and controversy surroundingchild support laws, but generally speaking, it is the courts that decide how the...
My next point is about litter(throwing away waste material in a public place). It is an offence to drop litter in the street. When you have something to throw away, please put it in your pocket and take it home, or put it in a litter bin. Finally, as regards smoking, it is again...
Toddlers thrive on routine and predictability, so a move can be a distressing disruption. They may also experience separation anxiety when moving away from familiar people, such as caregivers and family members. That’s why it’s important to approach the situation with your toddler the right ...
Were you brought up feeling indebted to your parents? Like you owe them? Like you’ll never cope if you separate properly from them? Were the messages delivered to keep you small? Quiet? Hidden? Believing the messages may have worked when you were younger, steering you way from their foul...