Put simply, separation anxiety is when kids feel anxious or scared when they are separated from a primary caregiver (which might also mean they have not developed asecure attachmentto their caregiver). Separation anxiety in toddlers is part of normal development. In fact, it can surface as...
Separation anxietyisn't just for toddlers. Children andadults can experience separation anxiety, too; indeed, statistics indicate that approximately four- to five percent of kids and teens experience separation anxiety. School is a common cause of separation anxiety in children, teens, and young adul...
Children whose parents are overprotective may be more prone to separation anxiety. In fact, it may not necessarily be a disease of the child but a sign of parental separation anxiety as well -- parent and child can feed the other's anxiety. Children with separation anxiety often have family ...
• In addition to being more common in children with family histories of anxiety, children whose mothers were stressed during pregnancy with them tend to be more at risk for developing this disorder. • A majority of children with separation anxiety disorder have school refusal as a ...
In this process recording the author describes her work over a 4-day period (June 6 – June 5, 1958) with a group of adolescent girls who are in the midst of long-term hospitalization in a private psychiatric hospital. These teens are dealing with the upcoming loss of several of their ...
To address these limitations, the present study aimed to: (1) examine the latent factor structure of the newly developed separation anxiety disorder symptom severity inventory (SADSSI); (2) evaluate the necessity of using frequency or intensity formats through comparison of differences in the latent...
J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55, 469–480. Google Scholar Bassett, J. F. (2007). Psychological defenses against death anxiety: Integrating terror management theory and Firestone's separating theory. Death ...
The solution for this problem lies in the foundation of trust. Since children often need a bond or relationship with parents to solve their social problems, doubting them or spying on their smart devices can damage their trust. Some parents spy on their teens’ digital devices with apps s...
Who am I? That’s what we’re asking In the first of a two part special on social and emotional skills. They’re not the things you can really see or measure, and there’s no right or wrong answer, but they are so important to how your children interact with the world, and in ...