• Sirloin Cap: Picanha steak essentially comes from the rump, labeled as "rump cap" or "sirloin cap." If you're lucky, the picanha steaks will be pre-cut; otherwise, you can ask the butcher to cut the rump cap or take it home and do it yourself. If you prefer the latter, make...
Although the Brazilian picanha steak has recently gained some popularity in the U.S., it usually isn't readily available. The tender, flavorful cut of steak, whose name is Portuguese and pronounced "pee-kahn-yah," is a favoritemeat at Brazilian steakhousesand holds a place of importance in ...
• Sirloin Cap: Picanha steak essentially comes from the rump, labeled as "rump cap" or "sirloin cap." If you're lucky, the picanha steaks will be pre-cut; otherwise, you can ask the butcher to cut the rump cap or take it home and do it yourself. If you prefer the latter, make...