You can also get it fresh sometimes and they also cook it in a red sauce and call the dish Plaki (plah-kee) Galeos (gah-lay-os) Dogfish or small shark battered and deep fried and served with skordalia. Octopodi (och-toh-poh-dee) Octopus which can be served grilled (tis skah-ras)...
She really wanted to take home what was left after her squid dissection and turn it into calamari for her family. Surprisingly, the teacher let her pack it up. I can confirm that everyone lived through the cooking experiment but we HIGHLY recommend that you NEVER, EVER let your kids co...
The South American sea lion (Otaria byronia) (SSL) is a widespread opportunistic predator that inhabits waters ranging from Southern Ecuador to Southern Chile in the Pacific Ocean and from Southern Brazil to Southern Argentina in the Atlantic. SSL abundance estimates, as for many pinniped species...
means that there's no water in he tank for Mummy to cook with- just when I'm going hunting, too.''And means that your spear is broken. If I'd only thought of instead of drawing silly beaver-pictures for the Stranger!' said Tegumai, waving his stick and frowning. 'Oh bother!' '...
They’re about 7-1/2 feet wide; if I’m going to build a James Cook, this is a problem–that model has 8′ of beam. I’ll need to widen the doors at least a foot (to allow “wiggle room”), if not a foot and a half. There’s an interior wall with the same basic issue...