Sabiki rigs are commonly used for catching baitfish these days, but not that long ago, everyone used bait rigs made with golden hooks. If you are willing to make your own gold hook rig, you will catch bait just as well if you were using a pre-made sabiki setup. Cigar minnows stay in...
Alone in the Irish Sea, the Celtic island promises plenty beyond the roar of its famous racing circuit, from wooded glens and rich birdlife to mysterious ruins alive with mythical tales.
At which point, he'll try to catch it in a paper towel and stick that paper towel right next to my face until I'm on the edge of tears. I don't do bugs.But it turns out, other than the fact that it's creepy looking as all get out and its flight pattern is erratic enoug...
South American sea lion and spiny dogfish predation on artisanal catches of southern hake in fjords of Chilean Patagonia. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 67 (2), 294–303. Drago, M., Crespo, E.A., Aguilar, A., Cardona, L, García, N., Dans, S.L., Goodall, N., 2009. Historic diet change...
I am so big that I can only hide in Pusat Tasek, and if I go anywhere else, all soft as I am now, the sharks and the dogfish will eat me. And if I go to Pusat Tasek, all soft as I am now, though I may be safe, I can never stir out to get my food, and so I shall...
I was able to catch most of them, and the apiary has gone from the original two hives to its current six. Not only that, but they’ve produced an actual honey harvest for the first time. The original two hives got honey supers placed on them; they had to draw all of the comb, ...