High levels of estrogen.There are increased circulating levels of estrogen (seen with obesity, birth control, and xenoestrogens). Reduced metabolism or excretion of estrogen.The body isn’t properly metabolizing estrogen (due to gut dysbiosis or excessive alcohol consumption), so it sticks around fo...
High estrogen levels in men can cause abnormal breast enlargement (gynecomastia), testicular shrinkage, infertility, sexual dysfunction, and a decrease in muscle mass. It can also lead to mood swings, depression, decreased libido, fatigue, and increased fat storage. High estrogen levels are linked ...
Starting from your late thirties, your estrogen could fluctuate and soar tohigher than when you were younger—only to crash down again to almost nothing. Over and over again, month after month. I call this the estrogen roller coaster of perimenopause. Symptoms of high estrogen include breast pa...
Vitamin B plays a key role in the metabolism of estrogen in the liver. If estrogen isn’t metabolizing properly, a buildup of it can occur, leading to lower levels of progesterone, thus an imbalance. Foods that have Vitamin B include: tuna, salmon, beef liver, ground beef/high-quality m...
Explore how estrogen and testosterone impact fertility, offering insights into their roles and holistic approaches to the struggle to get pregnant.
Cholesterol consumption is not the risk factor for heart disease that it’s been made out to be and you need it forsynthesis of the sex hormonesestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Too little cholesterol can lead to hormonal imbalances and the associated mood swings of pregnancy, menopause,...
How can I lower my cholesterol levels? Medications and lifestyle changes can help you get high cholesterol under control. Even if you don’t have high cholesterol, you can still make changes to your daily habits to lower your risk of heart disease. Here are steps you can take: Eat healthy...
A lot of women don't have teen acne but many of them begin to suffer from female adult acne and look for the way to treat adult acne at the age of 20 or 30, experiencing persistent onsets the week previous to their period. The reason for this is estrogen level which is high at the...
Sex hormone imbalance: Throughout the month, one’s sex hormone levels (such as estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone levels) can fluctuate. Imbalance can occur and has beenscientifically suggestedto be a catalyst for nervousness or intensifying anxiety disorder symptoms. ...
Alter hormone production: Endocrine disruptors can interfere with the synthesis, transport, metabolism, or elimination of hormones, leading to imbalances in hormone levels, such as estrogen dominance or insulin resistance. Modify receptor sensitivity: These chemicals can change the sensitivity of hor...