Aphids damage plants at all life stages. They can leave plants susceptible to powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. Learn how to treat and control aphids in the garden with beneficial insects, biocontrols and insecticide sprays.
Today we will talk about using chickens in the garden. You must have heard that in many places in the world, people are using poultry birds such as Chickens, Ducks, or Guineas to control pests in their garden. Today we will discuss these methods and their pros and cons. Raising chickens ...
When the root system has reached the sides of the container or the roots grow out of the drainage holes, repot the plant to a larger pot with fresh potting mix. Pests and Problems Pests attracted to dianthus include aphids, grasshoppers, slugs, snails, and sow bugs. Deer don't like...