How To Control Grasshoppers: Nolo Bait and Semaspore contain the most effective organic solution for grasshopper & cricket control – Nosema locustae. Both are most effective when applied while nymphs (1st & 2nd instars) are still present and become infected. Adults are far more resistant to ...
A few years ago, we had a huge grasshopper infestation that was very damaging to my garden. The best natural solution for me was to build a chicken coop and let my hens free-range in the garden. Within 1 week, the chickens had the grasshopper problem under control and then began to pr...
Crickets are known for their rhythmic chirping, and like their grasshopper cousins, have powerful hind legs for jumping. Unlike grasshoppers, crickets are only active during the night. They are omnivorous insects and are known to eat their own dead when no other food sources are available. ...
This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases:Ants(Mult),Aphids(Mult), Armadillos,Armyworms(Pseudaletia unipuncta),Beetles, Birds,Caterpillar Eggs(Mult), Deer,Grasshopper(Gryllus),Leafhopper(Circulifer tenellus),Leafminer(Phyllocnistis sp), Loopers,Mealybug(Planococcus citri),Mites(Tetranychus sp), ...