2. Consume Probiotics Probiotic supplementsand foods can help populate the mouth with friendly bacteria, much in the same way as how they support gut health. They work by creating a protective biofilm that supports the health of teeth and gums and reduce inflammation, while blocking bad bacteria...
Includelacto-fermented meats.This one surprises many Americans, but fermented meats (like corned beef) are rich in powerful probiotics and a healthy addition to a microbe-supporting diet.We LOVE Paleo Valley grass-fed fermented beef sticks– not only are they a rich source of beneficial microbes,...
The International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) defined probiotics as “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”64. Today
Kvass is a traditional fermented beverage that has a similar taste to beer, except it’s healthier because it provides probiotics. It’s actually made from stale, sourdough rye bread or beets, meaning it’s cheap and easy to make.
Soil-based probiotics (SBOs) are the kinds of bacteria that our ancestors consumed. Before we had running water to wash our produce with, our ancestors would consume the fruits of the earth right from the ground— often with a healthy layer of dirt on top. That soil is teeming with billio...
probiotics are commonly used by humans to maintain their overall well-being. Although their effectiveness in promoting gastrointestinal health is well-known, research has also shown that probiotics can be effective in preventing and treating various oral diseases, such as dental caries, oral mucositis,...
Consistent meal times stabilize your blood sugar throughout the day, and your body gets used to this pattern. With each consistent meal you provide, you enable your incredible body, the master alchemist, to transform the fuel you consume, shedding the old layers of fat and revealing a leaner...
Research is being done on probiotics, microbes thought to have added health benefits, but general recommendations on their use haven't been established as of November 2014. In addition, bacteria have been game-changers in the development of scientific thinking and human medicine. Bacteria played a...
Fortunately, most anal fissures heal rapidly on their own. When a fissure doesn't heal within a few weeks, it's usually because one or more root causes continue to aggravate the fissure. Root Causes of Anal Fissures The most obvious cause of an anal fissure is direct trauma to the anal ...
Also, we’ll explore the role of macronutrients in calorie intake, so you can make informed decisions about what to eat and how much to consume. Additionally, we will dive into the importance of exercise, how it can support your weight loss and fat-burning goals, and the crucial role of...