The device works by checking the acceleration measured by the MPU6050 at set intervals. Once it detects a fall, it sends an email to a set contact. I have found out that the battery lasts about three days, so it must be charged regularly. There is also a button that is connected to a...
Ur Demo was very helpful.i m configuring host on stm32 f767zit6, I’m able to transmit the data from host ,bunt unable to receive on the host, can u please help me with this. 0 Reply neeraj Guest October 3, 2023 3:56 PM when i connect the micro-usb cable ,there is noth...
Enable pin (E)is an active low pin. It means that the device will be enabled whenever the pin is low. Now, as shown above, the combination ofselect pinsmust be pulled low to connect the respective input pin (Y) to the output (Z). ...
Esp32-camera Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Projects 1Computer auto lock systemA computer lock mechanism that activates shortly after the user leaves the computer 2Neopixel ring gyroscopeTilting the breadboard with the neopixel ring and a MPU6050 gyroscope will make led light up in the tilt directionr ...