1. RFC destination中指定的User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog帐号 2. 被调用系统中必须设定debug user ID 为RFC destination中指定的user ID, 且该User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog用户 3. 断点类型必须为外部断点
I want to know the step by step or a complete example to set up a communication between two servers SAP using bgrfc. I tried to make a configuration. But messages are not processed automatically. The state of the unit is green and the queue has the status "Queue is executable. " I ...
RfcMoveToFirstRow(hTable) For i = 1 To rowCount hRow = SAP.RfcGetCurrentRow(hTable) rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hRow, "WA", charBuffer, 512) Fields = Split(charBuffer, "~") ReDim Preserve FieldSpec(i) FieldSpec(i).TabName = Fields(0) FieldSpec(i).FieldName = Fields(1) FieldSpec(i)....
Hi Gurus, i want to do automatic workflow costomizing for PR release process. i m using SM 59 transaction.So i would like to know how to configure RFC Destination.
很多ABAP的初学者在debug程序的时候经常会遇到一个问题,那就是RFC的function module的debug问题,例如,A系统的程序中通过RFC调用了B系统中的一个function module, 在B系统中设置断点后,如何才能让程序执行到该断点是停下来呢?下面我将通过一个例子来说明. 准备工作 : 1. 准
Solved: I need all your help on the below issue. I need to automate a screen flow in abap (SM59). Inside the Transaction SM59, i have to change the RFC destination
Solved: I'm trying to use PyRFC to extract large tables via RFC_READ_TABLE (due to an uncooperative/unsupportive basis team). I know that RFC_READ_TABLE supports calling
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, Can someone tell me how to assign authorization S_RFC for any function group (In my case,PWP2)? What's the exact procedure? I am very much new to ABAP programming. I have looked at the follwoing threads : Answers will be rewarded. Thanks...
Note again the use of a period on a line by itself to indicate the end of the message. The byte count provided must match the size of the output message, which will be presented in RFC 2822 format: the full headers, followedv by a blank line, followed by the message body. ...
(APOP) command, which requires a timestamp ID to be sent by the server at connect time in the greeting line. This server-sent timestamp ID is then combined with the user’s password by the client and converted into fixed-size hexadecimal "digest" form with the MD5 algorithm (see RFC ...