For more information on how to run the sample code, see How to: Compile and Run the Automation Object Model Code Examples.For additional examples demonstrating the use of the Editor automation model, see the examples on the Automation Samples for Visual Studio (
The following macro examples demonstrate how to reference and use the various members of the Editor Automation model. For more information on how to run the sample code, see How to: Compile and Run the Automation Object Model Code Examples....
For Visual Basic: vbc /r:System.dll /d:TRACE=TRUE /d:DEBUG=FALSE MyApplication.vb For C#: csc /r:System.dll /d:TRACE /d:DEBUG=FALSE MyApplication.cs Expand table Tip To compile more than one application file, leave a blank space between the file names, for example, MyApplication1...
The sample uses a static text file for the code module that is inserted into Excel. You may want to consider moving the code into a resource file that you can compile into your application, and then extract into a temporary file when needed at run time. ...
Compile the code When you pass a variable by reference, you must use the ByRef keyword to specify this mechanism. The default in Visual Basic is to pass arguments by value. However, it is good programming practice to include either the ByVal or ByRef keyword with every declared parameter. ...
Compiling the Code To compile this code, create a new Visual Studio add-in project and replace the code of the OnConnection method with the code in the example. For information about how to run an add-in, seeHow to: Control Add-Ins By Using the Add-In Manager. ...
Start the Visual Basic Editor (press ALT+F11), and then run the Test procedure. Click OK to the following compile error message: Can't find project or library You should be in Break mode (there is a yellow band across the Sub line). On the Run menu, click Reset to ret...
The markup file can be used to declare the workflow, but it is then compiled with a code file that contains implementation logic. This is referred to as code-separation workflow authoring. In this case, the files that are created have a .xoml and .xoml.cs or .xoml.vb file extensions. ...
This scenario enables you to compile a collection of style parts for all of your documents and then create a program that enables users to choose different styles automatically. Behind the scenes, your program would just replace one prefabricated part for another. In the following steps, you do...
This scenario enables you to compile a collection of style parts for all of your documents and then create a program that enables users to choose different styles automatically. Behind the scenes, your program would just replace one prefabricated part for another. In the following steps, you do...