最近换了新的电脑,从32位系统升级到64位系统,以前有写一个VBA (Visual Basic Application)的程序,在32位的旧电脑上是可以使用的,但是在新的64位的系统上却有以下问题, === Compile error: The code in this project must be update for use on 64-bit systems. Please review and update Declare statements...
A code element access error has occurred inside the Visual Basic compiler.Error ID: BC32300To correct this errorCompile the program again to see if the error recurs. If the error recurs, reinstall the Visual Basic compiler. If the error persists after reinstallation, gather information about th...
This page is specific to the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Language Reference for Office 2010.This error has the following causes and solutions:This error occurs when an unanticipated error occurs during compilation that cannot be handled by the compiler....
visualBasicReference ActivityWithResult 要重新編譯的運算式。 returnType Type 這個方法傳回時,會包含運算式的結果型別。 這個參數會以未初始化的狀態傳遞。 compileError SourceExpressionException 這個方法傳回時,會包含任何已發生的編譯錯誤,如果編譯成功,則為 null。 這個參數會以未初...
Coming back to our specific error (“Expected: end of statement”), let’s write and run some code that will generate the error. Step 1: Open the Visual Basic Editor and create a new module as seen in the gif below. Step 2: Write or copy and paste the following code: ...
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices Namespace Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles Namespace System Namespace System.CodeDom.Compiler Namespace System.Collections Namespace System.Collections.Generic Namespace System.Collections.ObjectModel Namespace System.Collections.Specialized Namespace ...
Describe the error It seems impossible to compile PCL with version >= 1.10.0 on Windows with MSVC 2015. Apparently, Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 does not have full support of constexpr expressions. This full support comes with M...
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I'm having an extremely basic problem. I seem to have messed up my Visual Studio environment, I can no longer include "atlstr.h". Here's a simple example: in Visual Studio I can create a new ATL project and (unsurprisingly) it compiles just fine. However...
2007-06-11 21:25 −Calling Visual Basic for Applications Code from Visual Basic .NET原文地址http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa159913(office.11).aspx#odc_vbnetcallsvb... 轻松 0 2140 System Error Codes/系统错误代码 2010-06-21 12:49 −在windows上程序或脚本运行突然出现未知错误...