MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: I need to quanitfy how similarity between two spectral profile. I have looked at procrustes distance but it dosent work when spectrum is shifted on x axis. Is there a way to quanitfy this, ideally between 0 (no similairty) and 1 (perfect ...
コメント済み:Abe Ada
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: That's not what I get when I run the same code. x1=[0:1:10]; func=@(x1) 2*x1+9; x2=x1; func2=@(x2) 12-4*x2; total=[x1;func(x1)]; total2=[x2;func2(x2)]; fprintf('(X=%5g Y=%5g)\n', total, total2) ...
How to select k elements from two vectors of... Learn more about optimization logical solution vectors correlation MATLAB
If this License fails to meet the government's needs or is inconsistent in any respect with federal procurement law, the government agrees to return the Program and Documentation, unused, to The MathWorks, Inc. Trademarks MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See ...
Bivariate Histogram in MATLAB If you want to create a histogram of two variables, you can use the histogram2() function. For example, let’s plot a histogram of two vectors. See the code below. vector1 = randn(100,1); vector2 = randn(100,1); HG = histogram2(vector1,vector2) Ou...
Thanks for your feedback and I already did it. Here I did a mistake, actually I would like to see: If two vectors are like that
Often, signals that you want to compare don't contain the exact same set of time points. The synchronization step in Simulation Data Inspector comparisons resolves discrepancies in signals' time vectors. You can chooseunionorintersectionas the synchronization method. ...
If this License fails to meet the government's needs or is inconsistent in any respect with federal procurement law, the government agrees to return the Program and Documentation, unused, to The MathWorks, Inc. Trademarks MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See ...
I am using the Embedded Coder in MATLAB R2021b. I am generating code from a Simulink model that uses handwritten S-Functions. My S-Functions use work vectors such as DWork and IWork to track data specific to each instance of the S-Function in the mode...