コメント済み:Abe Ada
MATLAB Answers euclidean distance between the rows of the matrix 0 답변 calculating hamming distance and total hamming distance 1 답변 Dimension error in matrix manipulation 2 답변 전체 웹사이트 stochasticMatrixProjection(A,projection_type) ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: That's not what I get when I run the same code. x1=[0:1:10]; func=@(x1) 2*x1+9; x2=x1; func2=@(x2) 12-4*x2; total=[x1;func(x1)]; total2=[x2;func2(x2)]; fprintf('(X=%5g Y=%5g)\n', total, total2) ...
For more options on synchronizing the two vectors (interpolation method, tolerance, etc), refer to the following example. Run the below command in your MATLAB instance to access the release specific documentation on the same: web(fullfile(docroot,'matlab/ref/timeseries.synchronize.html')) ...
Introduction to Strcmp Matlab ‘Strcmp’ command stands for string comparison. This command used to compare two or more strings . ‘strcmp’ command gives result in form of ‘1’ and ‘0’.This command is applicable for all types of data formats such as single data, arrays, vectors, or mu...
I had tried to use arrayfun too, but had the same problem. Never ocurred to me that I the problem could be fixed like that. Your solution works. The thing is na and nb are actually vectors that start small but end up with values > 500. Used t...
If this License fails to meet the government's needs or is inconsistent in any respect with federal procurement law, the government agrees to return the Program and Documentation, unused, to The MathWorks, Inc. Trademarks MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See ...
Often, signals that you want to compare don't contain the exact same set of time points. The synchronization step in Simulation Data Inspector comparisons resolves discrepancies in signals' time vectors. You can choose union or intersection as the synchronization method. When you specify union synch...
Open in MATLAB Online A=load('cell_of_doubles.mat'); B=A.cell_of_double_balls ; C=cell(size(B,2),1); fori=1:size(B,2) C{i}=B{1, i}(:,1:3);% first 3 columns from every cell end firstcell=C{1, 1};% extract variable 1 by linear indexing ...
Open in MATLAB Online The numerator is just a simple dot product between two vectors, and the denominator is just a simple sum. Using the fact that a dot product between two vectors can be accomplished with the matrix multiply operator, you can just do a (row vector)...