Tempering is a process that involves heating and cooling chocolate to specific temperatures before using it in recipes. When done correctly, it gives the chocolate a beautiful luster and satisfying snap, typical of chocolate bars and bon bons. So, we know a little about white chocolate and a...
I went into Marshall’s yesterday to look for specific gifts for a family game with a theme and while there, I was bowled over to see MANY Too Faced Chocolate Bar and Chocolate Bon Bons palettes (both of which I have and really love) as well as ABH Subculture palette (which I chose ...
English Pronunciation owes a lot to French as well. Whereas Old English had the unvoicedfricative sounds[f], [s], [θ] (as inthin), and [∫] (shin), French influence helped to distinguish their voiced counterparts [v], [z], [ð] (the), and [ʒ] (mirage), and also contributed...