[win 10, c#] Interop - Generic way to know if a window is Minimized, Maximized or Normal? [Y/N] Prompt C# \r\n not working! \t is not working but \n does #C code to Read the sectors on hard disk 1>CSC : error CS5001: Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitab...
Set up your computer to be compatible with the tools that you will need to use. While it could be as simple as using your text editor, you will need to save your written code in the correct file type for your computer to be able to appropriately read it and make it perform the way ...
1. Connect your laptop to the router via wired or Wi-Fi connection and enter your router LAN IP or router URL http://www.asusrouter.com to the WEB GUI. Please refer to How to enter the router setting page(Web GUI) to learn more. 2. Key in your router's username and password to...
I used to use VBA to automate SAP GUI, now I use C# with SAPFEWSELib to control SAP GUI. I can control buttons or text fields but I am doing something wrong with scrollbars and don't know what the problem is. My goal is to scroll bar but not in Table or GridView, in such...
to the " + file + " file"); } } The complete code for this demo is available in theDesktopDemo.javafile. The Desktop API TheDesktopclass allows Java applications to launch the native desktop applications that handle URIs or files.
GitHub Desktop is a GUI app from GitHub that helps you manage the sync and other actions between repos and its copy on your machine. This tool is a great option when you are not going to make code changes to existing scripts, like when you have a finished script and yo...
"c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x %WORKDIR%\download\qwt-5.2.3.zip cd qwt-5.2.3 Compile a static library: edit "qwtconfig.pri" and comment out line 79. c:\Qt\4.8.6\bin\qmake.exe "CONFIG+=release" nmake release To test the library you can compile the code in 'example...
Can I parse kml file in order to display paths or points in Android? Please could you help me with that? This is kml sample code which I would like to display in android google map: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"> <Document...
The reasons to run code on the Cortex M4 real-time cores include: You are migrating existing Cortex M4 code to an Azure Sphere. Your application requires precise or deterministic timing that cannot be guaranteed on the Cortex-A7 Linux kernel core where it would have to ...
ap.stdoutattribute which gives us access to the output, if we care about it.text=Truetells it to work with regular strings rather than bytes. If you want, you might also add the argumentcheck=Trueto make it throw an error if the exit status (accessible regardless viap.returncode) isn'...