You can expose code in a Visual Basic project to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code if you want the two types of code to interact with each other.Applies to: The information in this topic applies to document-level projects for Excel and Word. For more information, see Features ...
Exception Handling Tasks (Visual Basic) How to: Catch an Exception in Visual Basic How to: Throw an Exception in Visual Basic How to: Implement I/O Try...Catch Blocks in Visual Basic How to: Test Code with a Try…Catch Block in Visual Basic How to: Clean up Resources with a Try…Fi...
Visual Basic 6.0 相容性程式庫 Visual Basic 升級精靈 HOW TO:使用 Visual Basic 升級精靈升級專案 升級Visual Basic 6 程式碼對話方塊 HOW TO:使用升級 Visual Basic 6 程式碼對話方塊升級 Visual Basic 6.0 程式碼 HOW TO:在升級應用程式中模擬 Visual Basic 6.0 三種狀態的控制項 ...
Text.StartsWith(Microsoft.VisualBasic. _ ControlChars.Tab) Then ' The previous call to WordRight may have skipped some ' white space instead of an actual word. In that case, ' we should call it again. objSel.WordRight(True) End If ' Insert the new text at the end of the selection....
To download a file, specifying a time-out intervalUse the DownloadFile method to download the file, specifying the target file's location as a string or URI, specifying the location at which to store the file, and specifying the time-out interval in milliseconds (the default is 1000). This...
HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中將文字寫入檔案 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中附加至文字檔 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中寫入二進位檔案 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中將文字寫入我的文件目錄中的檔案 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中以 StreamWriter 將文字寫入檔案 在Visual Basic 中建立、刪除和移動檔案和目錄 Visual Basic...
This section describes how to catch an SMO exception in Visual Basic.The code example shows how to use the Try…Catch…Finally Visual Basic .NET statement to catch a SMO exception. All SMO exceptions have the type SmoException and are listed in the SMO reference. The sequence of inner ...
Visual Basic 中的檔案、目錄和磁碟機屬性 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中取得檔案的相關資訊 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中判斷檔案的絕對路徑 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中判斷檔案的副檔名 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中判斷上一次存取檔案的時間 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中判斷上一次修改檔案的時間 HOW TO:在 Visua...
For a Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 version of this article, see313193. Summary This step-by-step article describes how to create a new document in Word by using Automation from Visual Basic .NET. Sample code The sample code in this article demonstrates how to do the following: ...
For a Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 version of this article, see313193. Summary This step-by-step article describes how to create a new document in Word by using Automation from Visual Basic .NET. Sample code The sample code in this article demonstrates how to do the following: ...