If your cat's stuffy nose does not clear up within a few days, take her to the vet for an examination and diagnosis. Because she can't smell well with astuffy nose, keep an eye on her food and water intake. A cat with a stuffy nose is in danger of becoming dehydrated if she isn...
A stuffy nose is a feeling of fullness in the nose or face, often with mucus running from the nose or down the throat. It can be caused by colds, the flu, allergies, or irritants like smoke and dust, and sometimes, there is no clear cause (called nonallergic rhinitis). To relieve ...
Getting enough restorative sleep is crucial for giving your immune system a boost. Discover top tips to help you get the rest you need when you're ill.
Keep your throat moist by staying properly hydrated. Your sinuses are designed to warm and moisten the air before it hits your throat so inhale through your nose, instead of your mouth. If you have trouble breathing through your nose, consult your physician. A stuffy nose will also adversely ...
Drink lots of fluids.When you’re sick,mucuscan trickle down the back of your nose. Staying hydrated thins the drip, making it less likely to irritate your throat and trigger a cough. This also makes it easier for yourlungsto clear out the discharge. ...
wait for that inconvenient, stuffy feeling to go away on its own, there are ways to get your ears to pop after a flight — and don't worry, they're safe and natural. These five methods for ear popping are meant to clear your eustachian tubes and drain fluids that could be causing ...
and the left nasal turbinates will swell, shifting the majority of breathing to the right nasal passage. You may notice this cycle when you have a cold or if you have a chronically (long-standing) stuffy nose. The turbinates may also swell fromallergicreactions or external stimuli, such as...
A viral infection of your nose can cause "blood vessels and mucous membranes in the nose to swell, resulting in a runny and a stuffy nose," Dr. Damask says. While your mucus may look clear at first, in a few days, the nasal drainage typically starts to become thicker and green or ye...
A common cold and hay fever can cause a stuffy, runny nose and sore throat without an actual fever. That can make it difficult to tell the two conditions apart. However, the two conditions do feel slightly different. One way to tell the conditions apart is that a cold can lead to gener...
It's a good time to prepare for ragweed season. And for people with this pollen allergy, that means miserable symptoms such as sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, trouble sleeping, asthma attacks and itchy skin, eyes, nose or throat. The ragweed season usually kicks into high gear in mid...