Bacterial chemotaxis requires bidirectional flagellar rotation at different rates. Rotation is driven by a flagellar motor, which is a supercomplex containing multiple rings. Architectural uncertainty regarding the cytoplasmic C-ring, or ‘switch’, limi
AlphaFold2 (AF2) provides a 3D structure for every known or predicted protein, opening up new prospects for virtually every field in structural biology. However, working with transmembrane protein molecules pose a notorious challenge for scientists, resu
PDB Protein Data Bank RCSB Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics A bit of history: In the 1960s when the very first protein structures began to be published, groups of scientists in the United States and Europe began to discuss the possibility of creating an archive for these data...
(a) Two different structures of human GST-α4.4 dimers at high (PDB: 3IK7) and low (PDB: 1GUM) resolution. For each structure, a monomer is colored by B-factor, blue lowest to red highest, as per the scale on the right. (b) Representative pictures of different conformations of RNR...
The EMDataBank partners (PDBe, RCSB PDB, and National Center for Macromolecule Imaging) convened an EM VTF, chaired by Richard Henderson and Andrej Sali. The EM VTF has published a paper in Structure concluding that there is an urgent need to develop validation standards for both maps and ...
PDB Worldwide PDB wwPDB Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Databank RCSB PDB macromolecular crystallography FAIR principles open access data deposition new molecular entities drugs biopharmaceutical industry Main Text Introduction The PDB (Berman et al., 2003) is an enormously valuab...
Superimposition of PZ with thrombin shows that residues H210, R212, R350, L353, and Q357 in the binding interface of PZ correspond to H91, R93, R233, K236, and K240 of the anionic heparin-binding site (exocite II) of thrombin.32 Thus, PZ has adapted a cofactor-binding site of ...
The modelling system was initially taken from the RCSB protein data bank (PDB) under code name 1TEZ chain A [60]. To reduce the computational cost, residues 1 to 237, which are far from the reaction center, were removed from the N-terminal, resulting in a starting structure with 5402 ...
The modelling system was initially taken from the RCSB protein data bank (PDB) under code name 1TEZ chain A [60]. To reduce the computational cost, residues 1 to 237, which are far from the reaction center, were removed from the N-terminal, resulting in a starting structure with 5402 ...
The crystal structure of the activated MOR (PDB: 5C1M [19]) was downloaded from the Protein Data Bank ( The crystal structure bound with the agonist BU72 contains a nanobody (Nb39) to stabilize the MOR structure. To carry out MD simulations on the wild-type MOR, we re...