Delusionists have also accepted the comforting fallacy that—if global temperatures were to overshoot 1.5°C—they could be reduced back to desirable levels by carbon capture and storage (CCS). In fact, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has concluded that overshoot is almost...
Concurrently, human activities have produced half of the world's total CO₂ emissions since the Industrial Revolution, and urbanization has been expanding at a fast pace since 1970 (IPCC, 2014). The 600 largest cities on Earth are responsible for housing 20 %, sixty percent of the global ...
2021). They also share common root causes, such as anthropocentrism and the myth of constant growth, the neoliberal view of the environment and the primacy of market-based solutions. These factors in turn relate to the nexus of (neo)colonialism and capitalism and an institutional and ideational...
Carbon neutrality refers to achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions by balancing carbon dioxide emissions with removal. It is critical for achieving the global climate change targets. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
2021; Shirgir et al. 2019). Adjustments within these multiple perspectives are required in response to actual or expected climate changes by modifying processes, practices, or structures to mitigate damage or exploit opportunities (, 2024). Thus, with the focus on IK, climate change ...
Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 11983 (2022) Cite this article 13k Accesses 34 Citations 37 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Despite the dire conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Reports in terms of global warming and its impacts on Earth’...
to the working-age population, utilizes employment figures from the “China Population and Employment Statistical Yearbook”. Additionally, specific carbon emission data for each region in China are not officially disclosed by government agencies. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ...
In thelast post, I discussed the problems comparing modern instrumental global or hemispheric average temperatures to the past. Ocean temperature coverage was sparse and of poor quality prior to 2005. Prior to 1950, land (29% of the surface) measurements were also sparse and of poor quality. ...
However, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted that the construction industry is the most promising carbon reduction industry, with the potential to reduce carbon emissions by 6 billion tons annually by 2030 [15]. The Chinese government has recognized this and encouraged low...
Coasts around the world are threatened by sea level rise and a changing climate. In response, coastal communities and managers spend billions annually to r