Climate resilience refers to “the ability of a system and its component parts to anticipate, absorb, accommodate, or recover from the effects of a hazardous event in a timely and efficient manner,” (IPCC, 2012, p. 5), or the ability of individuals and communities to withstand, adapt to...
2023), as well as to respond to geopolitical security concerns (Vezzoni 2023). This narrow vision for the bioeconomy has persisted across multiple successive EU bioeconomy documents, while the concerns related to justice, inequalities, and green (neo)coloniality have been reduced to economic justice...
Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 11983 (2022) Cite this article 14k Accesses 36 Citations 36 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Despite the dire conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Reports in terms of global warming and its impacts on Earth’s...
Carbon neutrality refers to achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions by balancing carbon dioxide emissions with removal. It is critical for achieving the global climate change targets. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1.5 °C Special Report, the world would have to...
The concept of net-zero carbon emissions has emerged from physical climate science. However, it is operationalized through social, political and economic systems. We identify seven attributes of net zero, which are important to make it a successful frame
According to the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) (2023), transport systems will need to adapt to and they increase the number of accidents by approximately 75 % (Gossling et al., 2024). These events physically damage infrastructure, particularly critical elements like bridges and...
Scottat00:16 AM on 26 July, 2023 Something is not adding up here. The diagram from theIPCCshows the area of wild fires increasing (for the Western US). Yet research published by the Royal Society shows the opposite (globally) and I give a link to the article: ...
A common refrain is to cite all the “good things” the church has done over the years: the counselling, the food banks, the overseas missions[1]. Anyone tempted to run that particular rationale up the flagpole might ask themselves how they’d feel if Ted Bundy, say, had arguedSure I ...
The colours represent the different dimensions of the UI Green Metric (together with discussions made in IPCC, SDG(s) and carbon print), that influence the environment of the Universities. Purple: represents the services in universities in all demands—from financial to educational. Blue: ...
to all individuals, regardless of income, culture, race, or other social determinants. It is imperative to recognize eco-anxiety as a response to human rights being violated, address the unique challenges faced by marginalized populations, and collectively advocate for a sustainable and equitable ...