How to Cite Articles (APA)If there is no DOInumber, check withyour professor. Youmay include the URL of the magazine website or the name of thedatabase where youretrieved the article.First InitialWeiszMcCartyValeri
If you’re certain you’re allowed to cite Wikipedia, the citation usually includes: Title of the article “Wikipedia” and/or “Wikimedia Foundation” Date the article was last updated URL The specific format differs depending on what citation style you’re following: APA, MLA, and Chicago ...
APA citation format is probably one of the most popular citation styles. Everyone knows it, or at least has heard about it. However, the problem is that most students are just lost when it comes to APA references. It’s very simple: You write a paper. You have to cite all sources. ...
If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator. Caulfield, J. (2024, January 17). How to Cite a Journal Article in APA Style | Format & Example. Sc...
Journal articles are one of the most important sources of information for research papers. Often times, they will serve as your main source of information, as journal articles contain information that is specific to a topic. This page will show you how to cite journal articles in APA style, ...
How to Cite a Website in APA Style APA in text citation: (Anderson & Rainie, 2018) Full citation: Anderson, J., & Rainie, L. (2018). The future of well-being in a tech-saturated world. Retrieved from
How to cite a website in APA format: Blogs and articles from print publications The first thing to ask yourself when citing websites in APA format is whether the source is an online version of a print publication or an online-only news site.The New York Times,The Wall Street Journal,and...
How to Cite Reuters in APA Style Format. Reuters News Agency, a division of the Thomson Reuters company based in London, UK, is an important source for global political and financial news. Reuters news is available entirely online, so all citations for R
APA Format Template for Letters on Your Reference Page To cite apersonal letterinAPAformat, keep these rules in mind, depending on whether you accessed the archive digitally or in-person. Note that the description of the letter should include the author’s name, therecipient name, and the year...
Journal articles are one of the most important sources of information for research papers. Often times, they will serve as your main source of information, as journal articles contain information that is specific to a topic. This page will show you how to cite journal articles in APA style, ...