APA格式指的是美国心理学会(American Psychological Association)出版的《美国心理协会刊物准则》,其规范格式主要包括文内文献引用(Reference Citations in Text)和文后参考文献列举(Reference List)两大部分。APA格式强调出版物的年代(Time of the Publication Year)而不大注重原文作者的姓名。引文时常将出版年代置于作者缩...
APA format for online news articles Additional Website Citation Examples TroubleshootingWhat is a website? Am I citing a website or a web page?A website is a place on the Internet that holds a group of individual pages (called web pages).Think...
Solution #1: What to include in the citation informationYou do not need to include retrieval information (e.g., date of access) in APA citations for electronic resources. If you found a newspaper article through an online database (e.g., EBSCO’s Academic Search Complete), you do not ...
Create manual citation To cite a Wikipedia article in APA 6 style, you need to know basic information including the title of the Wikipedia article, publication date, and URL. The template and example below are based on the APA Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition (not...
4、ion (subsequent citation) (Ellis, 1994, p. 512).(2)同一括号里多件作品的引用:l Empirical studies on student learning carried out since the 70s have found that students learning outcomes to a great extent depend on their choice of learning approaches (Biggs, 1979, 1987).l The major find...
Whenever possible, the URL should link directly to the article. Break a URL that goes to another line after a slash or before a period. Do not insert (or allow your word-processing program to insert) a hyphen at the break. Nonperiodical documents on the InternetorStand-alone document, no...
In-Text Citation Rules A magazine articleinAPAhas a simple citation format for in-text citations. The following information appears in parentheses after the text that cites the source, in what is known as a parenthetical citation: (Author's Last Name, Year, Page #) ...
A. In-text Citation: Citing by Author and Date 1. One Work by One Author Rogers (1994) compared reaction times…or In a recent study of reaction times (Rogers, 1994)…2. One Work by Multiple Authors When a work has two authors, always cite both names every time you refer to the ...
include the URL at the end of the citation do not place a period after the URL If you're citing a periodical article found online, there might be a DOI number attached to it. This stands for Direct Object Identifier. A DOI, or digital object identifier, is a unique string of numbers ...
APA (American Psychological Association) Citation Style Reference Citations in Text: Document throughout your text by citing the author (last name) and date of publication for the works used in your research. Do not use suffixes such as Jr. in the authors’ names. Walker (2000) ...