为防止系统级ESD,信号线和GND接地之间可连接外部ESD保护二极管,如图2所示。可能成为ESD进入点的信号线需要ESD保护二极管,包括连接器和触摸传感器外露I/O端口,以及连接天线的VIN线路。 图2:ESD保护二极管插接示例 仅仅增加ESD保护二极管是不够的,重要的是,根据受保护信号线和电路情况选择正确的ESD保护二极管...
単極の場合、片方向 (Unidirectional) ・双方向の両者どちらでも選択可能ですが、片方向の製品の方がマイナス側の保護性能が優れていることがあります。ESD保護ダイオードを挿入しても後段のICが破壊する場合、片方向に変更することも検討ください。
it is the intention of this web site to serve as a definitive source of information about how ESD and power surges can dramatically decrease the lifetime of laser diodes, and how to help ensure their maximum lifetimes.
一般的なインターフェースでESD保護ダイオードを選択する場合、以下の2つの側面から考える必要があります。ここでは選択方法の概要を記します。詳しい説明は後述します。 1.ESDなどの侵入などなく機器として正常動作しているとき ESD保護ダイオードは何の仕事もしてい...
(preferably from –VDD to 2 × VDD)—in this case, from –1.8 V to +3.6 V. By doing this directly, sweeping voltage beyond VDD will turn on the power clamp ESD device. To avoid this, initially sweep VSWEEP from –1.8 V to +1.8 V and use extrapolation metho...
选择保证的EDS耐受性水平高于系统ESD抗扰度要求的TVS二极管。但请注意,TVS二极管的ESD耐受性通常与其总电容CT成正比。 在选择TVS二极管时,请参考下图。 产品列表 音频线路的通用电源 接口 USB1.1/SIM卡 USB2.0/高速存储器 USB3.0/高清多媒体接口(HDMI®)/RF ANT/Wi-Fi ...
How to Make a USB Laptop Keyboard Controller: This Instructable will provide a step by step procedure for building a USB laptop keyboard and touchpad controller. I created this guide and video to hopefully make it easier for people to re-purpose an old l
We can determine that CMOS op amps are less sensitive to the EMI, which may be true, but unfortunately the input ESD protection diode acts in the same way. A domain of EMI where the op amps are the most sensitive is the UHF band from 3...
In our case, we want to convert 120V AC to 12V DC. Step 2: Choose the AC to DC Converter Choose the appropriate AC to DC converter based on your requirements. For our case, we will use a transformer to step down the voltage, followed by a bridge rectifier to convert the AC voltage...
Typically however, ESDs are not a problem for LEDs because the majority of LEDs are equipped with an ESD suppressor which protects the LED chip. Nevertheless, some very small new LEDs which are designed to maximize light density, are not equipped with ESD suppressors, which is...