Another reason we test the soil is because we won’t need to rely on fertilizing the soil too much. If you start with healthy soil, you won’t need so much “fixing.” Before you start dumping on the lime and fertilizers, your first step should be taking a soil sample to send off ...
Water And Feed Your Pet Plant SPRING Make a plan to water and feed your plant. Mark a calendar so you do not forget. Always check your plants' soil. Is it too dry? Are the leaves drooping? This means the pl...
Ohio State University Extension recommends testing your soilbefore planting your garden. The purpose of soil testing is to determine the amount of nutrients as well as the pH level of your garden’s soil. The results of a soil test will indicate whether or not you need to add more fertilizer...
Before planting, you should check soil fertility to learn how easy it will be to reap what you sow.
Another simple way to check the soil moisture in containers (commonly used to determine whether houseplants need watering) is to stick your finger in the soil and see if it’s dry. If the top inch or two is dry, your plant typically needs to be watered. ...
if made well, produce an array of co-benefits in addition to emissions abatement. Analysis carried out by the Woodwell Climate Research Center shows that the three largest NCS, by emissions-abatement potential, also have environmental co-benefits for biodiversity, ...
Test your soil A garden is only as good as the soil it’s growing in. So it makes sense to find out as much about your soil as possible. The best place to start is with a soil test for pH to determine if you’re working with acid or alkaline conditions. There are many easy-to...
If the soil test reveals that you need to make corrections to your soil pH, you can use materials commonly available at your local garden center. If your soil needs to be more acidic, sulfur may be used to lower the pH. For raising the pH, lime is most commonly used. The amount of...
Once it’s dry, place the soil in the plastic bag or container. This will be your final sample. Follow the lab’s instructions to mail them in. For a visual demonstration, check out this video on how to collect a soil sample from the University of Arkansas: ...