Recently we were asked how to understand which soil test should be purchased at When I wrote the email I figured it might be useful to anyone considering testing their soil to read. So, below is the very same email reply and you can read i
Another reason we test the soil is because we won’t need to rely on fertilizing the soil too much. If you start with healthy soil, you won’t need so much “fixing.” Before you start dumping on the lime and fertilizers, your first step should be taking a soil sample to send off ...
Tensiometers have three essential parts: a porous clay cup that goes into the soil, a water-filled tube, and a pressure gauge at the top. The clay cup is inserted into the soil, allowing water to move in and out until an equilibrium is established. The pressure gauge measures the tension...
At-home test kits vary hugely, so it’s absolutely critical to follow your chosen test’s instructions. The test kits can be as simple as a pH test you used in high school all the way to multiple tests with various chemicals. Let’s go over how to test your soil’s pH using a La...
Test your soil for a better garden next year. Summer is a good time to evaluate your soil’s health so that any fall amendments can break down over the winter in time for spring planting. Here’s how. You don’t have to dig too deeply to discover the secret of great gardening; it ...
A test is done when you want to know whether your soil is acidic, neutral or alkaline. Why does it matter? Most plants need a fairly neutral soil so they can retrieve all the nutrients from it that they require, but some are more fussy and may want it more acidic or alkaline. ...
Here's how to do the test: Step one — Gather the sample Using a trowel, dig a 4- to 6-in.-deep hole from the area you want to test. Remove some soil from the bottom of the hole and put it into a plastic or glass container. You won’t need much, less than a teaspoon, ...
How to test To test your soil, you’ll need a soil probe or auger. If you don’t have either of these tools, a spade, trowel or knife will work. Remove top debris or residue from the area where you are going to take the sample. ...
should be considered a long term project, rather than trying to accomplish it in one year. It is better to test your soil each year and make your adjustments gradually. The addition of hardwood ash, bone meal, crushed marble, or crushed oyster shells will also help to raise the soil pH....
aWe also discuss how to test the soil type using the soil triangle, how to make soil amendments using fertilizer, how to test the soil pH, and how to make compost using a compost bin, but our main focus is on organic gardening. 我们也谈论如何使用土壤三角测试土壤类型,如何使用肥料做出土壤...