Check theJCR (Journal Citation Report) rankingof a journal and its impact factor (requires a subscription) : CheckSCImago Journal Ranking (SJR)in terms of quartileQ1, Q2, Q3, Q4, note: this ranking is different from the Chinese Academy of Science ranki...
There is a lot of confusion among researchers when it comes to scientific indexing from different databases. Let’s find the difference between an SCI, SCIE, and SCImago journal. The Science Citation Index (SCI) SCI:TheScience Citation Index (SCI)is a citation index originally produced by the...
在SCI期刊上发表论文,是展示研究成果与研究能力,与国际同行进行交流的重要途径.若是由于论文书写不规范,妨碍了优秀的创新研究成果的发表,得不到国际同行的认可,这不能不说是一种遗憾! 本书从实用的角度出发,列举大量实例,并结合一些学者撰写SCI论文时常发生的错误,对SCI论文的构思,投稿以及修改等方面做了详细阐述,...
读者意识科技编辑途径科技编辑必须树立"读者中心论"的思想.从读者调查,栏目设置,内容安排,服务四个方面,论述了强化读者意识的途径.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7143.2006.06.037HUANG SuPing黄苏萍中国科技期刊研究
e47825, 10.1371/journal.pone.0047825 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [30] G. D’Alessandro, M. Catalano, M. Sciaccaluga, G. Chece, R. Cipriani, M. Rosito, A. Grimaldi, C. Lauro, G. Cantore, A. Santoro, B. Fioretti, F. Franciolini, H. Wulff, C. Limatola KCa3.1 channels are ...
Visit: Working Sci-Hub Proxy Links –2025 2. Z-Library The Z-Library clones Library Genesis, a shadow library project. Z-Library facilitates file sharing of scholarly journal articles, academic texts, and general-interest books (including some copyrighted materials). While most of its books come...
Subscribe to this journal Receive 12 digital issues and online access to articles 111,21 € per year only 9,27 € per issue Learn more Buy this article Purchase on SpringerLink Instant access to full article PDF Buy now Prices may be subject to local taxes which are calculated during...
Another useful type of information which is available is the Mathematics Ci ion Quotient (the ratio of the number ci ions to the number of p rs in a given journal) which is available on MathSciNet through any LSU c us computer, or from home through PAWS and the LSU Library resour . ...
To make it come true, the government and operators limit the vehicle load rate to less than 50%, and the passengers in the vehicles must wear masks and are forbidden to sit next to each other. The governments and operators check the body temperature of drivers and passengers in advance ...
In the United States (US), the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program is the only comprehensive source of population-based information that includes stage of cancer at the time of diagnosis and patient survival data. This program aims