This is an article about how to identify Scopus indexed journals. It discusses what Scopus is and the difference between SCI, SCIE, and SCImago journals. It also details steps to follow to find if a journal is indexed in Scopus. Finally, the article lists other helpful resources. Some impor...
How to Recognize and Treat Combination of Editing and Proofreading in a Single Process for Sci-tech Journals正确认识和处理科技期刊编校合一科技期刊编校合一期刊质量编辑与校对是整个出版流程中的两个相对独立的工作,二者又是紧密相关,相互渗透的.编校合一具有可弥补编辑加的不足,发现校样中的"是","非"问题,...
How to Bridge Sci-tech Journals with Mass Media: Its Significance, Methods and Challenges沟通科技期刊与大众传媒: 意义,方法与挑战科技期刊大众传媒论文新闻科学传播在国际科学新闻界,对关键科学进展的报道主要来自重要期刊发表的论文.以论文为基础的科学新闻代表着科学共同体对一项学术成果的认可;另一方面,科技期刊...
Think about what kind of article you want to write and the audience you want to reach before you begin the process of writing your paper – this will provide a focus for the whole writing process and ultimately help you choose the right journal. Identify your audience: Is your work aimed ...
I hope this article will help you to know some of the best websites to download research papers and journals for free. You can access a wealth of valuable scholarly information without infringing on a copyright by utilizing open-access databases, free search tools, and potentially even your loc...
To reach the Sustainable Development Goals, we may need to act on synergies between some targets while mediating trade-offs between other targets. But what, exactly, are synergies and trade-offs, and how are they related to other outcomes, such as ‘win
RP and SP data were used to identify the influential factors affecting the travel choice for the customized bus mode in the post COVID-19 period. Also, the effects of commuter heterogeneity were investigated. The summary of the findings is presented below. First, the MNL model was proved to...
Research articles based on the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) (not SEER-Medicare) that had been published in journals from 1998 to 2022 searched by PubMed. The joinpoint analysis program chose the most suitable loglinear regression model to detect calendar years (known as “...
// Once you log in you can simply search by the full journal name or the ISSN number. The search result will show if your target journal is indexed in SCI, SCI-E, or ESCI. Please note that all SCI, SCI-E, or ESCI indexed journals are under the ISI web ...
Physical activity (PA) was measured via the Kaiser Physical Activity survey (KPAS), which asked participants to rate their physical activity during the past year for several domains, such as household and/or caregiving activities, sport and/or exercise activities, and daily living. The ...