A trademark ensures your business name is protected. Learn how to trademark a business name and what the USPTO is looking for when you apply.
Trademark vs. Copyright: Which One Is Right for You? Trademark Symbols: A Guide to Usage and Protection Your Trademark Is Registered! Now, Protect Your Rights Avoid Rejection: 5 Mistakes that Could Work Against Your Trademark Application
To check that your business name hasn’t already been federally registered, the simplest thing to do is perform a trademark search using theTrademark Electronic Search System (TESS)on theUnited States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)website. This tool searches for existing trademarks similar to ...
Use the United States Patent and Trademark Office database to do a business name search and trademark search. Trademarked business names and registered trademarks (brands) will be listed on the federal database. Once you’ve done the trademark business name search, you should take steps to get...
Registering a trademark name, you should visit to the United States Patent and Trademark Office will give you information on trademarks, patents, and copywriting of intellectual property. Check out the general requirements and rules for applying for a trademark name....
Is it free to trademark a name? You can not register a trademark for free. However, you can establish something known as a "common law trademark" for free, simply by opening for business. The benefit of relying on common law trademark rights is that it's free, and you don't need to...
How to check if a business name is taken Once you begin the process of selecting a name for your business, you’ll quickly realize that there’s not just one comprehensive list of business names that you can consult. The task of finding businesses whose names might overlap with your chosen...
Is it necessary to check if a logo is trademarked in India before using it for my business? Yes, it is necessary to check if a logo is trademarked in India before using it for your business. This is to ensure that you do not infringe on someone else's trademark rights, as it can...
If you have registered a trading name for your business, it does not follow that it is also registered as a trademark.Registering a trading name is for the benefit of the government, whereas registering your trading name as a TM (a separate process), is to protect your intellectual property...
A business name is a company's officially registered name, while a trademark is a form of legal protection for that name, preventing it from being used by another business. If you're wondering how to trademark a business name, the process involves registering it with the United States Patent...