A trademark ensures your business name is protected. Learn how to trademark a business name and what the USPTO is looking for when you apply.
To check that your business name hasn’t already been federally registered, the simplest thing to do is perform a trademark search using theTrademark Electronic Search System (TESS)on theUnited States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)website. This tool searches for existing trademarks similar to ...
Trademarking your company's logo is an essential step to protect your rights. It's also a complex process that requires expert legal assistance.
Use the United States Patent and Trademark Office database to do a business name search and trademark search. Trademarked business names and registered trademarks (brands) will be listed on the federal database. Once you’ve done the trademark business name search, you should take steps to get...
Yes, it is necessary to check if a logo is trademarked in India before using it for your business. This is to ensure that you do not infringe on someone else's trademark rights, as it can lead to legal consequences. It is important to conduct a thorough trademark search to ensure that...
Business cards, domain names, brochures, signage, social media handles and other such things all incur production and labour costs that could mean a steep loss if you have to stop using a name that has already been trademarked. Brand differentiationA time-honoured rule in the world of ...
What does it mean if a name is trademarked? The answer is that aregistered trademark gives you the exclusive right to use your business name nationwide in connection with the goods and services you've identified in your registration, and allows you to enforce your trademark by filing a lawsui...
If you want to start a blog or a new online business, you’ll need to register a domain name, the name for your website. Getting the right domain for your needs might sound technical at first, but the process is pretty simple.
A business name is a company's officially registered name, while a trademark is a form of legal protection for that name, preventing it from being used by another business. If you're wondering how to trademark a business name, the process involves registering it with the United States Patent...
Is it better to register or trademark? It depends on the situation. Trademarking is the process of registering a brand name, logo, slogan, or other mark that identifies a product or service. Registering a trademark is a legal way to protect your brand and prevent others from using it. On...