To rename a database in Postgres, use theALTER DATABASEstatement with theRENAME TOclause. To do so, specify anALTER DATABASEcommand, followed by the database’s old name, and after that, specify theRENAME TOclause followed by the database’s new/modified name. This blog post demonstrates ...
how to check failure backups in PostgreSQL backup schedules pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d db1 -v -f "path/file.backup" pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d db2 -v -f "path/file.backup" pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d db3 -...
from pg_publication as pgpub inner join pg_publication_tables as pgtab on pgpub.pubname = pgtab.pubname; 分析当前的postgresql中各个数据库的publication包含的表以及表的发布状态。 10 创建一个基于现有复制槽的subscription 一个逻辑复制中在创建完复制槽,publication 后,需要操作的就是在目的的机器上创建...
select current_database(),pgtab.tablename,pgpub.pubname,pgpub.puballtables,pgpub.pubinsert,pgpub.pubupdate,pgpub.pubdelete,pgpub.pubtruncate from pg_publication as pgpub inner join pg_publication_tables as pgtab on pgpub.pubname = pgtab.pubname; 分析当前的postgresql中各个数据库的publication...
In this article, we’ll explain how to find what version of the PostgreSQL server is running on your system. Knowing what version of the PostgreSQL server is installed and running on your system can be important in some situations.
Postgresql 8.4 is the engine. (We cannot upgrade due to security constraints by an overseeing IT body.) Thanks for any suggestions you might have!
In PostgreSQL, the “\d” command, the “\d+” command, “information_schema”, and the “SELECT *” statements with the “FALSE” option are used to check the table’s structure. The “\d” and “\d+” are meta-commands and must be executed from the “SQL Shell” aka psql. Whil...
Once it loads, we can use thesearchfunction to look for modules related to PostgreSQL: msf5 > search postgre Matching Modules === # Name Disclosure Date Rank Check Description - --- --- --- --- --- 0 auxiliary/admin/http/manageengine_pmp_privesc 2014-11-...
By default, PostgreSQL will not perform any verification of the server certificate. This means that it is possible to spoof the server identity (for example by modifying a DNS record or by taking over the server IP address) without the client knowing. In order to prevent spoofing, the client...
// Find Errors // Search for errors in the last 6 hours.// To create an alert for this query, click '+New alert rule' AzureDiagnostics|where Resource =~ "myservername"|where Category == "PostgreSQLLogs"|where TimeGenerated > ago(6h) ...