postgres=# create database test with template = template0 encoding='UTF8' lc_collate='C' lc_ctype='C'; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# \c test You are now connected to database "test" as user "postgres". test=# create table tbl_null (a int not null,b...
1.设置NOT NULL约束的字段INSERT必须赋值,没有NOT NULL约束的字段INSERT没有赋值,会自动填充NULL。 /*postgres=# create database test with template = template0 encoding='UTF8' lc_collate='C' lc_ctype='C'; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# \c test You are now connect...
Azure Database for PostgreSQL logs provides useful information about database activity, that can help in performance tuning and troubleshooting. While a perfect logging configuration will be a matter of trial and error, what I have explained here is how you can configure lo...
lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_custom_query -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_database_size -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_dbstats...
postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# \c test You are now connected to database "test" as user "postgres".test=# create table tbl_null (a int not null,b varchar(12));CREATE TABLE test=# insert into tbl_null (a,b) values(1,'1');INSERT 0 1 test=# insert into tbl_null ...
注意, checkup是按照database维度生成的报告,因此有多个库的话,需要采集多次! 3 生成markdown文档(默认格式就是markdown) $ export PGPASSWORD='dts' $ ./checkup-h192.168.31.181-p1921--username dts --dbname postgres --project prod1 -e 1 ...
In PostgreSQL, various methods are used to check the table’s structure. The following methods will be discussed to determine the table’s structure in Postgres: - Method 1: Using “\d” Command - Method 2: Using “\d+” Command
fix: update the checkup workdir in README (#511) 1年前 checkup fix: dockerfile, pghrep build 5年前 docker-compose.yml Added docker environment to run postgres-check app inside a docker container. 6年前 fix: ...
This health check does not report any warnings for Postgres database users. If you experience an error on this health check, the steps in the resolution should be applied. Understanding the Results Supported Databases Depending on the type of database being used, you will receive different ...
1 Automate Database backup in PostgreSQL 2 Is there a way to check integrity of postgres backup (or a restored database) made with pg_dump? 2 How do you check the status of your database backup (in pgadmin 4)? 1 Need to check Postgres backups 0 Database backup from...