pgcheck - check data file of PostgreSQL database(9.6.6). Usage: pgcheck [-D DATADIR] [-c | -p | -b | -l] {database:[schema.]table[,partition|#index] | filepath} [blocknum] -D - Data directory of database, default use PGDATA environment variable -c - Check Option g - glo...
Azure Database for PostgreSQL logs provides useful information about database activity, that can help in performance tuning and troubleshooting. While a perfect logging configuration will be a matter of trial and error, what I have explained here is how you can configure lo...
This extension is a full linter for plpgsql for PostgreSQL. It leverages only the internal PostgreSQL parser/evaluator so you see exactly the errors would occur at runtime. Furthermore, it parses the SQL inside your routines and finds errors not usually found during the "CREATE PROCEDURE/FUNCTIO...
或者明确使用pg的连接方式 ./checkup--pg-hostname --pg-port 1921 --username dts --dbname mydatabase --connection-timeout 5 --statement-timeout 10 --project prod_app1 -e 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 生成html文档(可选,html的结果放到邮件里面更方便查看) 如果要生成html文档,需要...
Oracle Database PostgreSQL Database H2 / HSQLDB - Embedded Database (see below) Icon Result What this means JIRA is using the embedded database. Due to this, the collation check has not been done. We haven't checked the collation as JIRA is using the embedded (H2/HSQL) database. It ...
The main, standard, way to pull information about an SQL database from the database itself is the INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema, though you'll probably need to write this specific query yourself. In this case information_schema.tables will be key (see
checkpoint_completion_target越大,意味着checkpointer进程休眠的机会越多,以控制脏块刷盘的进度,这会使刷新速度变慢,这意味着PostgreSQL应该花费checkpoint_completion_target * checkpoint_timeout的时间来写入数据。例如,如果我的checkpoint_completion_target为0.5,数据库将限制写入,checkpoint需要大概2.5分钟完成。5.wal_...
PostgreSQL:10.0/11.0/12.0/13.0/14.0/15.0 5.6 DBInstanceClass string 是 目的实例规格,详见实例规格表。 rds.mysql.s1.small DBInstanceStorage integer 是 目的实例存储空间,取值: 5~2000。每 5G 进行递增,单位:GB。详见实例规格表。 20 RestoreType string 是 恢复方式,取值: 0:基于备份集恢复,您还需要传入...
I'm trying to use PostgreSQL to check if any values from a certain list are in any of the arrays stored in a database. Something like: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE ('value1', 'value2', 'value3') = ANY(field_name); field_name is a VARCHAR(100)[] Is this even possible?
To say I am a newbie to postgresql would be an insult to the newbies! I have been working on this for only a day or so. I have found several questions on this site, and found references in the postgres 9.1 documentation which allude to this issue, but I am new enough to this that...