Move Event Viewer log files to another locationYou can move the log files to the created folder by using the Event Viewer as follows:Open the Event Viewer. Right-click the log name (for example, System) under Windows Logs in the left pane and select Properties. Change the Log path valu...
Before you upgrade Windows 2000 domain controllers to Windows Server 2003 or before you add new Windows Server 2003 domain controllers to a Windows 2000 domain, follow these steps:Inventory the clients that access resources in the domain that host Windows Server 2003 domain controllers for ...
Is it possible to change the location of C:\Users\Myaccount\nuget folder to another folder in drive D: ? I need to empty some space for my C: drive. All replies (2) Monday, May 18, 2020 8:17 AM ✅Answered Hi H.Hadid,
Before you upgrade Windows 2000 domain controllers to Windows Server 2003 or before you add new Windows Server 2003 domain controllers to a Windows 2000 domain, follow these steps:Inventory the clients that access resources in the domain that host Windows Server 2003 domain controllers for ...
You can change them by modifying options in Word. (To modify options in Word, click Options on the Tools menu.) These options may or may not appear in the registry. Word 2016: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word\Options Word 2013: HKEY_CURRENT_USER...
Learn how to easily change WordPress directory to launch a site created in a subdirectory. Read how to do that from your Site Tools, or manually.
To rename your user account folder under C:\Users, you need to find your user account's security identifier (SID). There is a special console command which you can use to obtain information about user accounts in Windows 10. It will allow you to find the SID, and plenty of other inform...
So... Rather than muck with symbolic links, or change undocumented registry keys, we simply copy the favorites database from/to a network location during logon and logoff...Notes:Our computers are domain-joined We sync the favorites to a hidden/system Windows folder in the user's home ...
On the My Documents Properties page, in theTarget folder locationdrop down box selectCreate a folder for each user under the root path. In the Root Path text box, type the name of the shared network folder to use, or clickBrowseto locate it. Note: Unlike Windows 2000, you do not need...
Change the location of the~directory in a Windows install of Git Bash. how do I change theHOMEdirectory in MSYS2? Quick summary OpenC:\msys64\home\my_username\.bash_profileand add this to thetop: # Change your home (`~`) dir to `C:\Users\my_username`HOME="/c/Users/$(whoami...