For more information about how to change the location of a personal folder and map it to another folder, see the "More Information" section. 因應措施 重要: 請仔細遵循本節中的步驟。 如果您不正確地修改登錄,可能會發生嚴重問題。 修改之前,請 先備份還原用的...
Assume that you changed the location of a personal folder in Windows, such as Documents or Downloads, and mapped the folder to another personal folder. When you try to change the location of the folder again, the operation fails. For example: ...
Step 1.Find the app you need to start automatically. Right-click it, select "More", and then select "Open file location". This will open the location where the program saves its shortcut. If there is no Open file location option, this means that the application cannot run at startup. ...
To change the OneDrive folder location in Windows 10, do the following. If you have signed in your account in the OneDrive app, sign out from there. Right click the OneDrive icon in the system tray to open its settings. Go to the Account tab and click onUnlink This PCas shown below. ...
How to Change or Restore Saved Pictures Folder Location in Windows 10 Windows 10 comes with the Pictures folder which is familiar to every user. In most
若要命名新值,请键入CacheLocation,然后按 Enter。 右键单击CacheLocation,然后选择“修改”。 在“值”数据框中,键入要在其中创建缓存的新文件夹的名称。 备注 对文件夹名称使用 Microsoft Windows NT 格式。 例如,如果希望缓存位置为d:\csc,请键入\??\d:\csc。
If the directory or path name contains spaces, it’s recommended touse quotesaround the directory. For example, the command below will change the directory to “C:\New folder” in CMD. cd "C:\New Folder" To change the current directory to a different drive in CMD, simply enter thedrive...
此事件包含來自 Ms.Device.DeviceInventoryChange 的欄位。以下是可用欄位:AppraiserVersion 產生事件的鑑定器檔案版本。 BlockingApplication 與NeedsDismissAction 相同。 NeedsDismissAction 指出是否需要可關閉訊息來警告使用者可能因 DRM 過時發生資料遺失。 WmdrmApiResult API 的原始值,用來收集 DRM 狀態。 WmdrmCd...
</FolderLocations> </component> </settings> </unattend> Change the following details if needed (see the parts in red in above code): Line 4: The value of variableProcessorArchitecturemust beamd64if you are installing a 64 bit Windows regardless of if you have an Intel or AMD processor, ...
Go to Windows Settings > Systems > Storage > Change where new content is saved. Select the new save location, let's say D drive or another location, and save the changes. How to Fix We Couldn't Set Your Default Save Location Error Are you facing the 'We Couldn't Set Your Default...