The color of the page will change. If you want to return to the original color of the page, clickNo Color. Read:How to recover deleted OneNote Notes. How to add colors to Rule Lines in OneNote Open OneNote On theViewtab, click theRule Linebutton in thePage Setupgroup. In the drop...
1. Open OneNote on Windows 10. 2. Go to the Notebook Section. 3. Click on Add page at the bottom. 4. Now, give the OneNote page a meaningful name and begin making changes. 5. Go to View then Page Color and change the color of your OneNote. Note: Here we are trying to modif...
Section color change. LaunchOneNote. Right-click theSectiontab above the page. From the context menu, hover the cursor overSection Color. You will see a list of colors; select a color from the list. The color is added to the section. You can selectNoneif you want no color in your sec...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":328509,"subject":"OneNote for Win10 - how to change position of pages/tabs","id":"message:328509","revisionNum":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:275783"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:b...
life. In OneNote for Windows 10, several customization features allow you to change the look of OneNote so it feels more personal. You can easily change OneNote color and font for new pages rearranging the sections in a notebook as well as customizing the OneNote interface colors and ...
Step 1:On the OneNote app, click theDrawoption > select yourpreferred penorhighlighter tool. The cursor changes shape when you select the tool. Step 2:Startwritingon the canvas. Each pen/highlighter tool also offers different settings to change size and color. You can access these by clicking...
How to Change OneNote to Dark Mode in the Windows App To turn on Dark Mode on the OneNote Windows app, go to the account settings and change the app’s theme color. Please note that doing this will turn on Dark Mode for all the connected Microsoft apps. Follow the below steps to do...
This feature is currently available in the OneNote desktop application, OneNote for Mac, andOneNote for the webbut doesn’t include OneNote for Windows. When you review the edits to a notebook as described above, you can see who made the changes within a page’s content. On theHistoryta...
OneNote is popular in the education sector. When you want to replicate your physical notebook in OneNote, change the paper color and style to match your class notebook. 1.LaunchOneNoteand create a new page. 2.ClickViewat the top and expandPage Color. ...
If you want to change the background color in Office Word application, we can click Design tab, in the Page Background group, click Page Color. Regards, Winnie Liang Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact ...