當您在 OneNote 中建立新頁面時,其背景為純白色,但您可以變更此設定。 以特定背景色彩標示的頁面,非常適合用來整理您的筆記本。 例如,您可以為居家改造計畫筆記選用一個色彩,而為簡報備忘稿選用另一個色彩。 按一下[檢視]>[頁面色彩]。 挑選要用的色彩。 提示:您也可以新增線條或格線到頁面上。 ...
在OneNote 中创建新页面时,其背景为纯白色,但您可以进行更改。 采用特定背景色的彩色编码的页面是一个组织笔记本的好方法。 例如,你可以对有关住宅改进项目的笔记使用一种颜色,而对演示文稿笔记使用另一种颜色。 单击“视图”>“页面颜色”。 选择所需颜色。
OneNote notes are formatted with the 11-point Calibri font. If you want to change the look of allnewpages, you can change the default font, size, or color. ChooseFile>Options. In theOneNote Optionsdialog box, underDefault font, select theFont,Size, andFont Coloryou want OneNote to ...
I tried White as the default but it simply was hard to tell what to expect. It will update to the selected section color when you choose a section.Using it should be fairly self explanatory. You browse to the section whose color you want to change, click the Choose Color button to get...
Open the page whose background color you want to change. On theViewtab, click or tapPage Color. Click or tap the color you want. If you have a mouse, resting the mouse pointer over any of the color swatches will display a tooltip with th...
OneNote 2010 will continue to work on Office OneNote 2007 notebooks without changing to the new file format. By default, notebooks are not upgraded. Do not upgrade notebooks if you plan to share them with Office OneNote 2007 users. To change an existing notebook to the OneNote 2010 notebo...
层次结构变更分批进行,因此如果同时或几乎同时发生了多个变更,OneNote 引发事件一次。 语法 Event OnHierarchyChange ( BSTR bstrActivePageID); 参数 bstrActivePageID– 传递活动页的 OneNote ID。 另请参阅 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否
Each outline is self-contained. This means that all formatting changes are contained only within itself. For example, you might decide to change the text style to a different font. Then when you click elsewhere on OneNote's page surface to begin a new outline, the font you selected previous...
OnHierarchyChange 方法 值说明 说明 允许用户指定在 OneNote 层次结构变更(例如,添加或删除页面,或移动各个节)时要调用的函数。 层次结构变更分批进行,因此如果同时或几乎同时发生了多个变更,OneNote 引发事件一次。 语法 Event OnHierarchyChange ( BSTR bstrActivePageID); ...
Each outline is self-contained. This means that all formatting changes are contained only within itself. For example, you might decide to change the text style to a different font. Then when you click elsewhere on OneNote's page surface to begin a new outline, the font you selected previous...