Check out the video below for a “sneak peak” of the Double Edged Fat Loss 2.0 Members Area (You will beblownaway): I wasn’t lying when I said my sole goal in creating this package was to overdeliver and give you EVERYTHING you need to know change your body, gain unstoppable confi...
“I called for help. Jordan answered. I contacted him through his online coaching program to help me break through a year-long fat loss plateau. Having no movement in my weight for a year and recently hitting a milestone birthday, I was convinced that my fate was sealed and I was destine...
Building muscle takes more than going to the gym. Here's 10 tips on how to lift, eat, and rest optimally to build muscle, according to fitness experts.
Building 10 lbs of muscle while losing fat seems like the ultimate fitness goal. It’s no surprise people are buzzing about “lean bulking,” the holy grail of muscle gain without piling on the fat. But what if there’s a smarter way to achieve this, backed by fresh scientific research?
First of all, some ground rules that you should know about to understand how to make the biggest visual change to your body quickly: Fat loss is better than muscle gain when it comes to drastically changing how you look Anything less than a month is probably too short – at least 4 week...
Training for strength? Muscle growth? Power? Endurance? Here's how to adjust your rest time between sets to suit your workout goals.
How to burn fat and lose weight at the same time - body tranformation. Lose fat and build muscle at the same time.
Another study, published in 2015, suggests that mixing HIIT with strength training can boost resting energy expenditure as well as muscle growth and fat loss. In a differentstudy,12 weeks of HIIT reduced belly fat by 17 percent and total fat mass by 4.4 pounds in young obese men. ...
Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time can be a challenge. Here, experts explain how to do it with weightlifting, HIIT, and a high protein diet.
Skinny kids gain muscle faster because they start under-weight. People who lifted before gain muscle faster thanks to muscle memory. Drugs change everything.On the other hand, older people gain muscle more slowly because they have less testosterone. Same with females – they usually gain only ...