We use Google and BingVE as source for the BaseMap. We use Projection in the OpenLayers with following code. We want to show UK Map with OSGB. if(source=='bingve') { zoomlength=17-minZoomLevel; map=new OpenLayers.Map('map',{ projection:new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:900913'), d...
The data itself is here: http://basemap.ru/json/json/adm.geojson http://basemap.ru/json/json/adm.topojson The script with translation is http://basemap.ru/json/mapscript.js If it makes sense, my map is in Asia Lambert Conformal Conic projection (http://spatialreference...
0 Python scatter - change marker style based on entity 2 Plotting color coded markers in matplotlib-basemap 3 How to change marker and color in matplotlib for a specific column value? 2 matplotlib - multiple markers for a plot based on additional data 4 Custom markers using...
In previous releases, the Ocean Basemap base layer might behave unexpectedly. For example, the web map might change the zoom level or display red tiles. For information about how to display text labels on the Ocean Basemap base layer, see the Version History section of the webmap reference ...
I want to extract by setting latitude and longitude in a circle. 1. How do I set latitude and longitude in a circle? 2. How do you change the circle's X, Y to latitude and longitude? I'm a developer other than AutoCAD, so please explain. I use Autodesk ...
Connect to the ArcGIS Server site and change the connection type toAdministrator Connectionto publish the geoprocessing service. Publish the successful result as a geoprocessing service. Test the published geoprocessing service by replacing the URL with the IWA-secured URL from the in-house server site...
These real-world locations are represented by a particular projection; for example, the projection of your basemap may be UTM with control point locations measured in meters. To perform a transformation, you must be able to register at least two tics in your coverage to real locations. These ...
You can also load other GIS data on top of the Mapbox style and change the projection. In this example, a shapefile of ocean debris landings was added. Since the data covers an area of the Pacific between Japan and the western United States, I have reprojected the data from Mapbox’s ...
First, we should change the value ofshared_buffers. The default setting is: shared_buffers = 128MB This is too small. The rule of thumb is to set it to 25% of your total RAM (excluding swap space). For example, my VPS has 60G RAM, so I set it to: ...
I didn't change your code at all besides renaming my new trial. I am imagining this is more of a gpu issue? Maybe the sph is too large (attached)? The scan is a photogrammetry scan and is relatively small (315MB). TA26_28_MAP3D.zip ...