you can change the default basemap that is added to new maps inmap and scene options. You can choose to add a different (custom) basemap by default from the gallery. Or, you can specify that maps and scenes are created without a basemap. Depending on your organization settings, some base...
在ArcGIS Pro的内容窗格中,双击Change in water storage以打开地图属性窗口。 如有必要,请单击坐标系选项卡。 在搜索栏中,键入equal earth,然后按Enter键。 可用坐标系列表将根据您的搜索结果进行过滤。 展开投影坐标系和世界。 单击平等地球(世界)。 更新当前 XY按钮以指示地图的坐标系已更改。
.mapping.BasemapStyle;importcom.esri.arcgisruntime.mapping.Viewpoint;importcom.esri.arcgisruntime.mapping.view.MapView;publicclassChangeBasemapSampleextendsApplication{privateMapView mapView;privateArcGISMap map;@Overridepublicvoidstart(Stage stage){try{// create stack pane and application sceneStackPane ...
If the script is run within the application, the basemap specified in the project settings will get applied. If the script is run stand-alone, the Topographic basemap will automatically get added. createPictureElement (container, geometry, path, {name}, {lock_aspect_ratio}) Parameter Explanation...
<group refID="esri_mapping_changeVersionGroup" /> </tab> <tab id="esri_mapping_homeAttributeRulesViewTab" caption="属性规则" condition="esri_mapping_attributeRulesPane" keytip="R" xmlns=""> <group refID="esri_mapping_designView_clipboardGroup" /> <grou...
在ArcGIS Pro 中,您可以使用浅色主题或深色主题来个性化用户界面的外观。 在本教程中,示例图片将使用深色主题,但是您可以选择自己喜欢的主题。 如果要更改主题,单击功能区中的工程。 单击选项。在选项窗口中,单击应用程序下方的常规。 展开应用程序主题,然后选择深色。 您需要重新启动 ArcGIS Pro 才能使主题更改生效。
If you're creating a vector tile package, use ArcGIS Pro and the Create Vector Tile Package tool. Copy the basemap tile package to the device Once you create the basemap to copy to devices, provision it directly to the mobile worker's device. On Android devices, copy the file to the de...
Feature layers are most appropriate for visualizing data on top of a basemap. Create point geometry Create point geometry object from Longitude (X) and Latitude (Y) Create report Create report Delete a record from feature layer This action deletes one or many records from a feature layer...
2023.2| A basemap provides a background of geographical context for the content you want to display on a map. InDrone2Map, you can choose a basemap. You can change the basemap of the current map at any time using the basemap gallery.Drone2Mapuses your licensing portal basemap gallery setti...
With ArcGIS Pro you can change transparency of a layer on the ribbon, as part of a layer’s color scheme in the Color Scheme Editor and also at an individual symbol element level using the Color Editor. Any color can be transparent in ArcGIS Pro and making use of the new transparency to...