To center an image horizontally, I can use the CSS text-align property. Since this property only works on block-level elements and not inline elements, I’ll need to wrap the image in a block element.Here's how:I start by opening up my HTML file. I then locate the image on...
With WordPress, you don’t need to get your embed code from YouTube. You can actually just copy and paste the video URL itself. A YouTube video URL may look something like this or this: Both of the...
We have discussed above how to align an image horizontally but there might be cases when you need to center it vertically. To accomplish this we have to take two steps. The wrapping element needs to be displayed as table cell and the vertical-align has to be set tomiddle. In my example...
When you open the text editor, you’ll likely see an editor window that looks something like this. With this editor window open, copy the HTML template below and paste it into the text editor window. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>My HTML Page</title> </head> <...
The rotate() function in CSS is one of several options available with CSS Transforms. The rotate() function serves to spin an element around a fixed point, known as thetransform origin, which is the center of the element by default. ...
A game needs graphics, so let's load up some images! I wanted to do this as simply as possible so it's just an Image instead of being wrapped up in a nice Class or something. bgReady is used to let us know when it's safe to draw the image, as trying to draw it before it'...
In Firefox, first use the prefix for the URL. Or, usemoz-appearanceto show an element using platform-native styling based on the operating system’s theme. @-moz-document url-prefix(){selector{property:value;}} Or @supports(-moz-appearance:none){selector{property:value;}} ...
Like all relationships, though, there will be rough patches. Everyone slips in and out of good mental spaces, and it's important to know when your friend might be inching toward an unhealthy mindset — and when it's appropriate to say something. ...
If the format of the video file you are trying to play is not supported by Windows Media Player, try to use the VLC media player to change the video file format to a compatible one, say WMV format. This will help to troubleshoot playback issues in Windows Media Player....
If you are, then the static file handler looks in the root. Typically you would have an index.html file that references the JavaScript files. The structure of the static angular site depends on your tool chain. normally you would a production build and copy to the root of site...