If you need to align the text of a <td> element to the center of each table row (<tr>), you’re in the right place.Earlier, it was possible to do this using the align attribute, however, it is deprecated in HTML5. Instead of using that attribute, use the CSS text-align ...
Once upon a time, there was an HTML <center> element. This was a block-level element that would automatically center any block or inline elements it contained. So, centering an image would require a single line of HTML that looked something like this: <center><img ...
In HTML, <table> tag is used for the creation of a table. Inside this tag <tr> and <td> tags are used to create the rows and columns of a table. HTML allows us to format the table with the help of CSS properties. In this post, we have demonstrated the way to center a table ...
We can use the combination ofmargin,widthanddisplayCSS properties to center a video in HTML. We use themarginproperty to set the margin of an element in all four directions. We will use the property to apply margin to thevideotag in this method. We can use thewidthproperty to give an ...
We can use themarginCSS property to center a form in HTML. The styles can be written as inline CSS in theformtag. Themarginproperty defines the space between the container and the adjacent elements. First, we can provide the value to set a margin for the property. When we use a single...
HTML <div style="display: grid; place-items: center;"> <img src="your-image.jpg"> </div> Where Grid Excels Think of scenarios where you need to center an image within a specific grid cell or want it to span multiple grid cells. Grid’s power comes from its ability to precisely de...
.flex-parent{display:flex;}.jc-center{justify-content:center;} Two buttons side by side Sometimes you might want to have two buttons next to each other, but to center both together on the page. You can achieve this by wrapping both buttons in a parent<div>and using flexbox to center ...
text-align: center; The cornerstone of horizontal text centering in CSS is the text-align property. When you apply text-align:center; to an HTML element, all its inline content (mainly text) will be neatly centered within its bounds. Let’s break this down: Block-level Elements: Think of...
Centering in CSS is a pain in the ass. There seems to be a gazillion ways to do it, depending on a variety of factors. This consolidates them and gives you the code you need for each situation. Select the type of content you want to center in a parent<div>and the size of the pa...
In another article, I've already covered how to center an HTML element both horizontally and vertically using CSS. If you want to learn about that,click here. Horizontally and Vertically center an element with Tailwind Horizontally and vertically centering something with Tailwind is easy withflexbox...